Are you old enough to remember when we all crowded around the radio to listen to our favourite radio shows$%:

I can remember thinking to myself one night when I was sent to bed instead of being able to listen to a Sunday night radio play called "When a girl Marries". I remember so clearly thinking that one day, I was going to be rich enough like my Mum and Dad and have a radio beside my bed.

Then came Transistor radios. Boy, oh boy, I got one for Christmas in 1962 from Nanna. I was the happiest girl in Guyra.

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Now, I very rarely listen to a radio unless I have to hear when a cyclone is coming or some other calamity that my community needs to know about in a hurry. Still, I usually get that news over the TV too.

Consider a person afflicted with Alzheimer's. When their short-term memory goes, they often revert back to the time when radio ruled the airwaves. They listened and laughed along with the goon show, Life with Dexter and all the other radio plays that people enjoyed.

These days, most radio stations don't provide that content any more. Their audience these days is very niche marketed and it's the older folk in our communities who are not often catered for.

Paragraph: Atlas De Dermatologia Pediatrica, Ed. 2012-2013, Novedad. galateas Collage: The Making of Modern Art Paperback

So this is where a good audio book comes into its own. Sure, they don't have the radio to listen to it on as they have largely been replaced with personal play equipment like CD players, MP3's and iPods.

But the content can be personalised and made available. In the 'olden days', many good books were read over the radio. This is how they were marketed by being read on radio. And many, many good books were enjoyed by all.

Just suppose you had an older relative confined to a Nursing Home. If they suffered from Alzheimer's but their memories were as clear as a bell for the 1930 -1960's when radio was still king; don't you think they may appreciate being entertained again by a good book being read out to them$%:

Imagine the companionship that could be felt by once again being gathered around a 'radio' aka CD player with everyone laughing and listening intently to see whether the 'good' guy was going to win the day or not$%: This is providing entertainment for their era of comfort.

It's also in this age group where eye diseases have taken their toll. Many were once avid book readers but now can't see as well as they used to be able to. Now they often sit in silent contemplation of their memories. And not all of them are happy ones.

So let's cheer them up a bit by providing entertainment for them that they can all relate to.

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